Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Blog 25 ( Refelctions of the way....)

Me being dyslexic, and ADHA, I found it rather hard for me to learn, and grasp certain things. Because of that I half assed everything just to get by. In high school it got worst, mainly because I had two kids, and working, and my grades suffered. I was happy when I got the D, because it was passing and that’s all I cared about. Ten years later I decided to finally attend college, but because of my grades in high school I had to start with remedial classes. I received my first B+ last year and I was surprised. Now this year that is not good enough. I’ve constantly have questioned my professor about the 87,, or 89 that I received for an assignment that I feel it should have been higher or making sure they didn‘t leave something out. I never have done that. I just always accepted the grades for what they were. Taking Louie’s class was an amazing experience. It was like an open forum class and I think (at least for me) it’s a lot easier to learn, and pick-up information. In Smith’s class it was a little more of a standard type class, in the way that we always had papers, and using the blogs was such a great idea. It was like you had to come up with your own homework, it all came from your opinion on whatever topic we had to write about, and it was a great feeling. In professor Reuben’s class I wanted to feel the same way, but I couldn’t. I enjoy movies but not in the way she would like a person to. I care about the acting, and the story. I do not, and will not analyze everything in a movie. I personally feel that, that would ruin the movie for me, and I am not that pretentious. Professor Reuben is a fair, and open-minded professor, and she knows her stuff, but her class was just not for me. So in her class I’m happy to get no lower than a C.

In all, this was a good academic year for me and because of that I am proud of myself.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blog 24 ( Race)

Jarvis Emery
Professor Smith
Eng: 101

Influenced by The Matrix is a stretch outside of the plugs in their bodies I really didn‘t see the connection. I did research the film a little before I wrote this and found nothing on how it was influenced by The Matrix. In an interview I found with the Director Alex Rivera ( he says Star Wars, and El Morte were the influences, while other people say Blade Runner, The 1982 film starring Harrison ford. That‘s like saying, The Matrix was influenced by Total Recall, or Showgirls was influenced by A Chorus Line There might be some similarities, but it’s more coincidence than planned.
For starters The Matrix is more about a revaluation. Its man verses machine, when they’re in the Matrix they are fighting and working for freedom, the world as we know it does not truly exist, as for Sleep Dealers it is how it is. When they go in to “The Matrix” there not fighting for anything, there working. You’re living in Mexico, and working in New York all at the same time. There is no fight for freedom, or the truth.
Race in this movie is not an issue. It is a Latino/Mexican film because it takes place in Mexico with migrant workers, and ninety seven percent of the film is in Spanish. There is no type of race issues or racism going on. Just a big American company went there and took over their main water supply, but I don’t feel that had anything to do with them being Mexican, and it was a tiny fraction that had little to do with the story.
Urban life is characterized by higher population density and vast human features in comparison to areas surrounding it, and rural life are large and isolated areas of a country, often with low population density. I think the movie just showed that, which made it a little more important in understand why so many people go to urban areas to get jobs, to help their family back home. It’s a lot easier to make money in a place where there’s actual people, and actual jobs and that’s what the film was pointing out.
Considering it’s a low budget sci-fi film, for what it’s worth. Overall it was a good film (aside from having to read it) I didn’t care for it, but I liked it because it stayed true to how the future could be with technology progressing in the way that it is, without being so over the top, like most sci-fi futuristic films are like, Terminator, Back to the future, Total Recall, Johnny Mnemonic, Minority Report, I Robot. Just to name a few.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blog 23 (ummm I don't get it)

I believe that they were saying you shouldn’t take things for face value….I agree with them for the most part, but sometimes you have to take it as you see it. One the examples that they used was when the character “Cypher” played by long time actor Joe Patanolin, when he and the agents were in the resturant and he was eating the steak he said…”I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth the matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years I realized ignorance is bliss”
He hasd know choice to not take that experience, and the other for what they weren’t because he already knew that it wasn’t true, but for the rest of the people in the film who were still in the matrix they knew nothing of life outside of what they were living, and that‘s fine for most because the people in the Matrix had the better deal. To question whether or not should we take things for face value? I feel there is no right or wrong answer, it’s what you yourself feel. Who’s to say that the people on the street spreading the word on the end of the world are crazy. We label people crazy who are not religious when they say they have a relationship with god, but ignore the priest who molest little boys. Nothing really happens to them when they are caught, sure we say that’s so wrong and unfair but in the end(no pun intended) we just take it for what it is.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blog 22 (story v special effects)

First I have to say I agree with her whole-heartedly, and if you check my previous blogs you will see we where on the same wave link of thinking. The Matrix is vastly overrated and childlike because of it special effects.

The Matrix is very stereotypical film that is very appeasing to the male fantasy. With the ground breaking special effects, attractive leading characters, martial arts and lots of sleek black leather, or latex. It also has the standard boy meets girl, and falls in love plot. Now eXtistenZ had its stereotypical moments, but because there were very little special effects it as a more honest, and intriguing vision of pleasure of “connected” minds and bodies.

I saw eXtistenZ in 2000 or 2001, and I personal saw it has another version of the movie “Total Recall” it was at times a rather confusing movie but It had a story that you could see because there were no cinematic effects to take away from it. I think that the Matrix was all the rage over eXtistenZ was because of its bigger budget, and special effects. But I feel as trying to find a story to be able to teach in a class is I feel both are valued, but a big stretch.

Both movies it there own right will make any feminist proud, because the female characters are not the normal female characters you see in film…You know the one’s “o look at me I’m a weak girl who can’t stand up for myself, I need a man in my life to function, he hits me and I don’t know how to hit back type” When first see the character Trinity from the Matrix she is a bad ass, sexy, and in black Latex fighting with and over powering the men, so you pretty much get the idea she is the one to look out for and no one can stop her. Then she meets the male character Neo and still she is rather overpowering, knowing more than him, forcing him down when they are trying to get the tracking device out of him, and being rather aloof when telling him he can get out the care if he wants to, not showing any signs of weakness or catering to him in anyway. But then as the film progresses she still is a badass when it comes to fighting, but she reverts more into the female stereotype character, calling Morpheus “big daddy”, bringing Neo food in away that is more of a subordinate than an equal. Then of course you can’t have a movie unless the to leads make out, and then towards the end she is kneeling by Neo’s side crying and confession that she loves him. Now I’m not saying that because of the stereotypical that is bestowed on to Trinity it takes away from the actually film because that is a small part of it I just feel it is inconsistent. Now in eXtistenZ the female character is the man, and the male character is the woman through out the whole film. The female character is smarter, braver, and has a dominating personality, and where the male character is not as smart, and when he is “himself” he is very submissive. One of the first times you see this in him is when they are in the hotel, and she just with no warning lifts up his shirt to see if he has a port (a hole that is placed into you lower back to play the game) he jumps up and ask her what are you doing? As he is explaining why he does not have a port she is trying to talk him into getting a port so she can plug in her
Game system into him, she is speaking softly and being very sympathetic to his feelings about how it would make him uncomfortable. The whole scene plays out like a man who is trying to have sex with a girl for the first time. There is really nothing that takes away from the film like how the Matrix does. In my opinion the films are more different than alike. The Matrix is more reality in the sense that that is how the world is, where as eXtistenZ is reality, but they are playing a game. If you want more of an actually “story” you watch eXtistenZ, if you want action you watch The Matrix. I think that the Matrix was a more popular film because as I said before it played more for a males psyche, with the glitz and glamour, and the male hero, but because eXtistenZ had a smaller budget, and a female heroin a lot of people don’t know of it. Which shows that the world is not and may never be ready for action, sci-fi movies with female heroin’s.
word count: 809

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

blog 21 (Before and After)

Today I'm starting with my final, typing up a draft, and if there is time work on my oral prsentation for Joyce.

I've found more info on my final, but still not clear on making a presentation, or video. When I was done I went on and work on my presentation for Joyce, and decided what scene I was going to do and what I was going to talk about.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blog 20 ( M v E)

First I have to say I agree with her whole-heartedly, and if you check my previous blogs you will see we where on the same wave link of thinking. The Matrix is vastly overrated and childlike because of it special effects.

The Matrix is very stereotypical film that is very appeasing to the male fantasy. With the ground breaking special effects, attractive leading characters, martial arts and lots of sleek black leather, or latex. It also has the standard boy meets girl, and falls in love plot. Now eXtistenZ had its stereotypical moments, but because there was very little special effects it as a more honest, and intriguing vision of pleasure of “connected” minds and bodies.

I saw eXtistenZ in 2000 or 2001, and I personal saw it has another version of the movie “Total Recall” it was at times a rather confusing movie but It had a story that you could see because there were no cinematic effects to take away from it. I think that the Matrix was all the rage over eXtistenZ was because of its bigger budget, and special effects. But I feel as trying to find a story to be able to teach in a class is I feel both are valued, but a big stretch.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Blog 19 (Jarvis...All by myself)


With Line you can try your hand at rewriting the first lines of literary classics, movies, and songs and let your friends be the judge. One player reads the title, author and synopsis of a real-life book, movie or song. The other players must then each write and present their best attempt at a first line for the book, movie or song. The first player reads all the entries, including the real first line of the book, movie or song, and then the other players each try to pick out the real one. Players get points for choosing the real first line, getting other players to select their submission, and possibly knowing the real first line (verbatim) before it is revealed…..Now here is the catch.

You have to perform your line or song in the intended way it was written and portrayed. For example: if you were doing something from gone with the wind, you would have to speak in a southern accent, same with the song you would have to sing it in the form in which it was originally sung in, so if you picked the song “Harper Valley PTA“ you have to sing it as if you were a middle aged single mother. Same for books. If you get stuck you can call out “Line” it may be the correct one or it may not be. If you call out “Line you have to try and complete as best you can the dialogue, song, or story. If the judges agree you did a good job, then you get those points.

The games comes with, One card catalog of One Thousand book cards in the categories of Classics, Children's, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Romance, and Mystery, Sci-Fi, Horror. One card catalog of One-Thousand song cards in the categories of Classical (yes get your high C’s ready) Children’s, Country, Jazz, Pop/Rock, Pop standards, Show tunes, and R&B, answer sheet pads, six pencils, and a One 2-minute glass timer.

I’ve been to the Performing arts Library several times for sheet music, CD’s Movies, I’ve even watched a few Broadway shows there. So I was quit familiar with it before today. One of the best thing about it, is that they have Theatre shows on video that you can watch for free, although some of them you have to get premission from the Lawyer of the Director if he is dead, or the person member if they left the rights to them.

The one thing I don’t like about that Library is that when you try to ask the people who are just seating down behind the desk for help they just tell you can look it up on the computers.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blog # 18 (Religion)

Today I'm going to narrow down what aspect of religion I want to focus on, and then find video to help. I've found all that I need. I think my final will be on the over looked abomanation in the bible, To show that religion is not something people care about untill it is time to care.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Blog 17 (Let he who is without sin cast the first stone???)

A religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
That’s the basis of my project. To show that people aren’t really religious, at least not how they should be. I feel that people use their Religious beliefs to act out on people who are different from them, and in doing so not carrying out their moral duties the they supposedly trust, and live by.
I’m going to use actual scripter, and events the co-insight with one another, and to use actual people from class for examples.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blog 16 ( Possiable, not Probable)

Do I agree with Nixon’s claim or position about us possible living in the Matrix. In the since of the movie? No. Now in the since of the definition the true definition of the Matrix which is “Something that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates, takes form, or develops.” Yes I agree. I feel that we are controlled by are machines even though we made them. To wake up I would say that a vast majority of people in the world uses some form of an alarm, whether it be an actually alarm clock, or phone, or ipod. As we are driving are cars, we stop because the stop light is red, we slow down because it turns yellow, and we go because it turns green. A few things I have to agree and disagree with are on page 33 to 34. He gives a small list of rules of thumb about interpreting one’s own experience that would have to be thrown out if neo accepts the Matrix story: He wrote: The noise that people’s shoes make as they walk is not a part of the sounds they use to communicate with you, so there is no point in trying to interpret those shoe sounds” I feel that’s not nessacierly true. The sounds your shoes would make are inadvertently communicating with you. For example; when neo, Trinity, and Morpheus are hiding from the agents in the bathroom the footsteps of the agents are inadvertently telling them when it is ok to move, and to be quite. The other quote he says is “When an object seems to be getting bigger it often means that it is actually coming closer to you and similarly with seeming to get smaller and going away from you” I feel that is common knowledge in a computer program or not. That’s like say up is down and down is up. I think it would have made more sense if he said North is South, and east is West. Now I did agree when he said “Thing exist even when you are not looking at them” That is true in so many ways. The one most famous of a example is “if a tree falls and no one is around to see it, does it still make a sound?”
The answer would be yes, because if you’re blind folded or your back is turned you would hear it, its heavy wood hitting the ground.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Blog 15 ( going to totally change)

What they want is a scapegoat, and that is just what Rock n roll, Marilyn Manson, American Idol, Survivor, Horror, Science Fiction and Action Adventure movies have done. I would like to go a little bit further and point out that I have notice that blaming the media for the action of others is just a “White thang” that apparently only children and ‘young adults” can use. People are quick to blame violence in our society on television, movies or video games because they are simple believable targets. We have to look beyond this disinformation and attack the real causes for the violence in our society. Violence in television programs, movies, or video games will not make a person kill someone else. People watch violent images all the time, and only a very small percent of them actually commit violent crimes. Research on the subject does not necessarily support the argument, but they do not counteract it either. The research is too often inconclusive and to base our opinions on this matter without concrete evidence is foolish. Violence on television, movies and video games is not the problem. The problem is that we wrongfully blame these media sources for violent crimes, rather than put the blame where it rightfully belongs, and if we can do away with all the disinformation on this topic, if people can stop fooling themselves into thinking that, “by cleansing the media we can also cleanse the society”, we can then start to solve the real issues in our society, but the concerned citizens that cry out for government regulation will not admit that the source for society's ills may be their own. When I was growing up all I knew was television, I watched it from sun up to sun down. I was able to watch whatever I wanted know matter theme of the film, or show, just as long as there was no sex, or frontal nudity. The only negative thing that came from me watching too much television was that when I was younger I thought I had the ability to cancel shows if I did not watch them for awhile. As I got into my teens I still was heavily into television so much so that when I got into trouble I had to go outside and play. Now that I’m an adult my I scheduling everything I do around what shows are coming on….(Thank goodness for recordable technology) Now I’m just not basing my “White Thang” theory on just my experience. There are articles that help me with my theories. Blaming TV, film, and music is not a new thing. Let start with Music.

It all started with the Blues, The Blues was blamed for bad behavior mainly because of its roots. Blues refers to "blue devils", meaning melancholy and sadness Blues is the name given to both a musical form and a music genre created primarily within the African-American communities in the Deep South of the United States at the end of the 19th century from spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants, and rhymed simple narrative ballads. (David Evans, in Nothing but the blues, pg. 33)
Elvis Presley sped up blues and danced provocatively causing a uproar. On June 5, 1956, on the Milton Berle Show. He performed his song “Hound Dog,” with all the pelvis shaking intensity he could, his fans went wild. Television critics across the country slam the performance for its appalling lack of musicality for its vulgarity and animalism. The Catholic Church takes up the criticism in its weekly organ in a piece headlined “Beware Elvis Presley.” Concerns about juvenile delinquency and the changing moral values. He was criticized for influencing young people to engage in anti-social behavior and sex.(
In the 80’s Heavy Metal became the new form of “devil music” In 1985 the band Judas Priest became the victims of a lawsuit. The mother of a Nevada teenager who killed himself claimed that this music contained subliminal messages that compelled him to commit suicide. The case caused a great deal of controversy, but was eventually dismissed. Prosecutors in the case clamied this contained the message “Do It over and over” The

In the 80’s Heavy Metal became the new form of “devil music” The band Judas Preist on 1985 became the Victims of a lawsuit. The mother of a Nevada teenager who killed himself in 1985 sued Judas Priest, claiming that this contained subliminal messages which compelled him to commit suicide. The case caused a great deal of controversy, but was eventually dismissed.
Prosecutors in the case claimed this contained the message "Do It" over and over. The judge ruled that any underlying messages were not put there intentionally.

The mother of a Nevada teenager who killed himself in 1985 sued Judas Priest, claiming that this contained subliminal messages which compelled him to commit suicide. The case caused a great deal of controversy, but was eventually dismissed.
Prosecutors in the case claimed this contained the message "Do It" over and over. The judge ruled that any underlying messages were not put there intentionally.
The teenager who killed himself did so as part of a suicide pact with his friend. The other boy shot himself in the head, but lived. His testimony was the basis for the lawsuit against the band.

In the 1980's and early 90's, lawsuits were filed against some metal bands. They were accused of purposely encouraging suicide in their lyrics and with subliminal messages. A teen killed himself and another attempted to while listening to a song that Judas Priest covered titled "Better by You, Better than Me."According to an article from Rolling Stone magazine titled "Judas Priest: Defenders of the Faith," the case was dropped for lack of evidence.
Ozzy Osbourne found himself in court on a few occasions for similar accusations. His song "Suicide Solution" was said to glorify suicide. Ozzy insisted that the lyrics and song title was misinterpreted. He said that the word "solution" in the title was in reference to a mixture of alcohol, not the other meaning which is an answer to a problem. He claimed the song was in dedication to the original front man of AC/DC, Bon Scott, who died of alcohol consumption. He was also accused of putting subliminal messages on his albums encouraging suicide. All his cases were dropped.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blog 14 (here I go again on my own)

I'm done with the sunrise paper, and turned everything in yesterday, so today in the library I'm going to just work on Louie's paper, and finally pick a topic out of my three (Is it only white kids that use the media for the wrong that they do, is it only kids that use the media as an scapegoat and not adults, or does the media show that more white people cause more violence in America than any other race)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Blog 13 (sunrise)

Jarvis Emery
American Film
HUC 270 Die Reise nach Tilsit
Dr. Joyce Rheuban
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans is a 1927 American film directed by German film director F. W. Murnau. The story was adapted by Carl Mayer
from the short story “Die Reise nach Tilsit” ( In English means “The Trip after Tilsit”)
by Hermann Sudermann.
Sunrise won an Academy Award for Unique and Artistic Production at the first Academy Awards Ceremony in 1929. In 1937 Sunrise's original film was destroyed. A new film was created from a surviving print. In 1989, the film was deemed culturally, historically, significant by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in their National Film Registry. In a 2002
critics poll for the British Film Institute. The movie was named the seventh best film
in the history of motion pictures.
In 2007 the film was chosen #82 on the 10th anniversary update of the American Film Institute's 100 Movies of great films. Sunrise is one of the first films with a soundtrack
of music and sound effects recorded in the then new Fox Movie tone sound on film system. With all that is said about this film, and all the awards it was rightfully so nominated, and won, I want to discuss what was not nominated that should have
been, starting with the Director.

Director F.W. Murnau know for films such as Faust, Phantom, and Nousferatu directed this film.
The director in a movie plays the biggest and one of the most important parts in a film. The director is responsible for overseeing creative aspects of a film. They develop the vision for a film and carry the vision out, deciding how the film should look. They also direct what tone it should have and what an audience should gain from the cinematic experience. directors are responsible for approvin camera angles, lens effects, lighting, and set design. They coordinate the actors movement.
The director works closely with the cast and crew to shape the film and may often take suggestions on pertinent issues. The director also advises on color grading of the final images, adding warmth or frigidity to the composition of the shots to reflect the
emotional subtext of the character or environment. They also participate in the sound mix and musical composition of the film. The film won the Academy Award for Best Picture, Unique, and artistic production, and Cinematography, which to me is all because of the director. It was his vision, his idea for the whole process. From the first flashback of him playing with his family, and then seeing he was falling on hard times the directors use of light and camera techniques was flawless. The effect when the couple was walking in the street and it was like the were walking right through the cars into the fantasy as if they were walking in a field of flowers into a beautiful sunset coming back to reality to show that people stop short and crashing into each other was all from the director, so for a film to be partially praised those reason and the director not be nominated is a slap in the face. For the way the film is seen, the style, and the overall tone is what get a film nominated, so if you nominate the film for Best Picture, you have to nominate the director as well.

Next is the Husband played by actor George O’Brien. The fact that this man was not recognized the Academy Award committee was an absolute disgrace. I’m not a big
fan of silent films in anyway, and when I hear and read about great actors in the silent film area I’ve always question how can that be when they weren’t speaking, all of it
has to go together, from there movement, reaction, and how the deliver their lines.
After watching the film I was proving wrong. George O’Brien’s acting techniques where amazing.
Starting with the first time we see him. When we see him he is at the dinner table looking rather sad, and miserable, when he hears the whistling of his mistress he slowly looks around to make sure his wife does not see him. When film goes into the flashback of him and his waif with there child he is such a proud, happy, and carefree husband and father.
The we see him having to sell some of his live stock because of the bad choice he made
For his girlfriend. The expression on his face is not over the top depressed like I’ve seen in other silent films, but more of a it’s my own fault for being in this mess. When the film comes back to present day when he sees his girlfriend his face lights up like a little kid on Christmas morning. When the girlfriend suggest he kills his wife he emotions shows that he is in love with his wife and this is just a thing that the two of them have, he then pushes her away from him. I felt the way he was able to jump back and fourth from relaxed in his girlfriend’s embrace to being so upset with her with such timing was amazing. The top scenes that did it for me was when him and his wife went to the church and watch the strangers getting married. When the priest said…” God is giving you in the holy bound of matrimony a trust. She is young and inexperienced. Guide her and love her, keep and protect her from all harm.. Wilt thou love her?” I’m was so glad that by the year this film came out they new how to use close ups. The expression on his
face and the emotion that he showed was priceless. Just by he reaction alone you can
tell that he was probably thinking that those word were said to him and he made the
same promise, and from this day forward that’s actually what he was going to do,
he’s not going to get rid off his wife, child, and farm for his girlfriend, he’s going to
give up his girlfriend for his wife, and braking down in tears in his wife lap showed
that he was sorry for not only having a girlfriend, but for ever contemplating the
thought of killing her. For that entire seen alone should have got him a nomination.
When he is in the solon getting groomed there is a woman who looks exactly like his mistress. When she grabs his had he shows that he is uncomfortable in the most humorous way. The way he approaches the man who is sees flirting with his wife was timeless. As he is strongly gazing at the man he lowly goes into his pocket and pulls
out a blade, slowly he goes toward the man with the knife and quickly jabs it to the
mans lapel the man grabs his throat as if the husband just get it, when in fact he just
cut the flower that the man took from his wife. That made me jump because I was thinking he was actually going to cut him, or at the very least point it and threaten him.
George O’Brien show the character’s playful side when he his chasing down the piggy at the carnival into the elegant party, and then dances for the crowd of people with what is know as the “Peasant dance” Another climax scene for O’Brien was when he actually lost his wife in the very unexpected storm. He was so struck with grief , you could tell from the close up on his face when he calls for her to the extreme longshot when he is walking back into the room without her, the director stays in that shot and shows him fall to his knees onto the bed. The best lighting and camera angle came from when the mistress comes to the door the director goes for another extreme longshot to show the husband in the doorway looking at the mistress all you really see is the shadow of the man looking down at the mistress, and without him moving you can tell not only does he blame her
but he wants to kill her. When they find his wife and he looks as if he is saying “take me instead” was such a moment. With all that I describe on both the talents of F.W. Murnau, and George O’Brien, I wonder how the Academy Awards Committee didn’t see it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blog#12 (Aww is me)

What problems are you having? What do you need to do between today and the next class....The only problem I'm really running into is what i want to do as far as a paper. I've wrote 3 pages of something already but for some reason I keep wanting to change it. When I was looking up different sources in class today for my current paper I kept coming up with other ideas. Hopefully I will have it down just exactly want i want my paper to say by next class.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blog 11 (only i could make it so difficult for myself )

I started written my paper on how it seems blaming the media on violence is only limited to a certain category of people(white kids and teens.)
During class I thought about changing it to comparing American media violence to other counties and seeing if they blame TV, video games and music, or is that just American thing. While i was in the library i googled, binged, and facebooked friends i know in the U.K., and Africa. difficult

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blog 10 (not really my place)

Hanifah, was my first student. I felt she had a good paper with minor grammar, and punctuation issues, but noting that was severe enough to where she wouldn’t pass. She was rather vivid with her details, but gave little to no proper examples, which I realized after my 15 minutes was that I didn’t mention that to her.

Ariel, was my second student. It seemed like Professor X said “you have 2 hours to write 250 words and then you can go“, and that’s exactly what he or she did. He or she gave 300 words and left after 45 minutes to an hour. It was apparent that he or she did not review their paper at all before they turned it in.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blog 9

1.Thesis / Thesis Statement (Merrian-Webster Pocket Dictionary): A proposition to be argued for, essay embodying results of original research.

In my own words: I always thought that a Thesis was a twenty plus paper you wrote your fourth year in college to graduate (In other words a big waste of time and pointless if you’re going into a field where you would never have to actually write said type of reports) After taking ENG 99 I learned the definition, but I would not have been so technical in my answer. I just would have said it is a statement that can be debated/argued.

2.Research (Merrian-Webster Pocket Dictionary): Careful or diligent search especially for new knowledge.

In my own words: Finding out information any way you can to prove what you think, or just to know. (I.E. looking up information to written my midterm paper.)

3.Argument (Merrian-Webster Pocket Dictionary): Reasons given to persuade, or dispute with words.

In my own words: An argument is a heated disagreement between two or more people. (I.E. when a debate gets your adrenaline pumped up)

4.Claim (Merrian-Webster Pocket Dictionary): Demand or take as the rightful owner.

In my own words: A claim is when you made an assumption about something, or a person that you thought to be true or just your opinion. (I.E. He took my pen, or this is my coat)

5.Reasons (Merrian-Webster Pocket Dictionary): Explanation or justification for an action or belief.

In my own words: the cause of doing something, or thinking the way you do. (I.E. I work to sleep in a bed)

6.Evidence (Merrian-Webster Pocket Dictionary): Outward sign, proof or testimony.

In my own words: I would just say proof. Prove either with visibility, or statement that cannot be argued with what you assume or know is fact. … (I.E. another word for humans is Homosapians.)

7.MLA Citation Style ( MLA citation style refers to the rules and conventions established by the Modern Language Association for acknowledging sources used in a research paper.

In my own words: Before ENA 99 I never knew there was such a thing as MLA Citation. If I remember correctly it is giving the source of the information. When we read Stepford Wives in ENA 99 we had to write about the book with examples so when we find an example at the end of it we had to write in parenthesis the authors last name and the page number(s)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blog 8( Hunt this)

By: Kristopher Rodiguez
Jarvis Emery
Ray Cahas
Thein Moe
Jose Pena

  1. “I am not an elephant! I AM NOT AN ANIMAL! I AM A HUMAN BEING! I...AM...A MAN! “
  2. Not only a popular kids character in the united states, characters, in Monty Python’s Flying Circus, but a well known hair style amongst African Americans in the late 80’s to early 90’s.
  3. “When you’re good to mama, mama’s good to you!”
  4. “The name on every bodies lips is going to be ROXY” (not Roxie)
  5. You can play the 1982 film on the arcade, that now 28 years later has a sequel.
  6. Go into the 1:30 showing of the red balloon, and find the “rebel without a cause”
  7. Watch your step…before you seat down to watch TV.
  8. Hear her famous words…”fasten your seatbelt it’s going to be a bumpy night!”
  9. “9-10 never sleep again”….guess they were right I haven’t slept in 26 years.
  10. We looked like this before plasma, LCD, and LED took over.
  11. “Set all the phasers to stun”
  12. Can you find the running man on the 3rd floor.
  13. Save Princess Peach Toadstool from King Koopa.
  14. 1978 video game with vector graphics.
  15. Where is the picture of the star who starred in It happened one night.
  16. Watch Karen Allen in a scene from this popular movie franchise that started in 1981.
  17. It never spoke English, but everyone could always understand is gargled sounding speech.
  18. She turned around and through her hat up in the air for the LAST time in 1977.
  19. Watch past presidents in the living room.
  20. Model number H-24-37-E
  21. Locate the great train robbery.
  22. “Mirror Mirror on the wall”.
  23. “Luke I am your father”
  24. Your right arm will definitely get tired at this peep show.
  25. Didn't like the lines or voices in these movies?, no problem change them.
  26. Mitchell Vista Vision?
  27. “why so serious” Chuck Taylor?
  28. There’s a Snow White board game? Prove it.
  29. Ah, damn you!, God damn you all to hell!
  30. Prevent Dr. Robotnik from collecting the six Chaos Emeralds in an attempt to rule South Island.
  31. Epileptics not allowed…Sorry
  32. Take a picture of "your mother sucking cocks in hell"
  33. Visit the Tyrell Buliding.
  34. Find out when the Akeley Tripod made.
  35. Listen to the first cartoon with sound.
  36. A magazine that says they got Monroe's picture taking with a hidden camera

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blog 7 ( It's me not you )

I didn't learned anything about literature I didn't already know, guessed, or cared about . Not in anyway saying that's a bad thing, and I'm not say I know alot about the subject it's just always been hard for me to get excited a subject I'm not interested in. It was rather interesting to find out that there are different religious, and philosophical ways to interpret the Movie The matrix, but I'm not that "pretentious" so i could have done without that bit of knowledge. I will say the most important thing I liked, and learned is that you can have a class like this were your not interested in the subject and not find it boring. I feel the way I feel when I'm in my American film class all bored and tired and just want to shoot someone just to get out of there (that's not because of the teacher, I'm just not interested silent films or in the technical styles of how a film is made) should be like my English class, and in my English I’m actually wanting to be there, and not be late and interested in what is being said….. So good job Professor Smith

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blog 6 ( It's been 10 years)

What can I say about the 1999 four Academy Award Winner Blockbuster movie The Matrix, that has not already been said? Well for starters from what I can remember when I went to go see it the second week it was out was that it was a pretty cool movie (sci-fi action has never really been my thing) the actors where good, the choreography was great, and the special effects where somewhat the first of its kind. I say that (first of its kind) because I remember before The Matrix back in like 97-98 when swing for some strange reason was making a comeback the Gap had the swing style commercials choreographed by Toni Basil and that is really where the jump up in the air pause turn the camera around really came from, but because they where commercials people associate that special effect to the Matrix. The movie was such a worldwide phenomenon that it was nominated for a total of thirty six awards worldwide won a total of twenty eight awards four of them were Academy Awards. The special effects in that movie were so ground breaking not only did it walk away with the Academy Awards for best special effects it has sadly been spoofed by every type of movie, cartoon, and TV show known to man? Now has far as the plot I’m sure alot of people got confused such as when they saw they saw “Dark city, and Total Recall”….(the movie not the TV show) but it did a pretty good job of not being so confusing that you didn’t understand what was going on or where they were. The story it self of machines taking over has been told in other films before the Matrix such as ( Hardware, Maxium Overdrive, and of course Terminator...just to name a few) I thought the casting was really good even though actors such as Will Smith, Nicolas Cage, Sandra Bullock, and Sean Connery turned down the offers. (I guess Keanu Reeves didn’t have much to lose so he said why not). This was one film were race did not play a part in the plot it worked perfectly fine with the cast that was so diverse in race, and culture. The Leader(Morpheus) was African American, The all knowing Oracle was not only African American, but in her sixties or seventies, The two people who knew the most about gadgets, software, and "cybertronics" where also African American, one half Chinese. I go back and forth with the Oracle great she is African American, but did she really have to live in such a bad looking neighborhood? My one pet peeve about the movie was the whole love interest thing. Is it really that hard to have a movie where there is no love interest? Neo wasn’t so sure he was “The One” but he still fought on in the Matrix, but after losing and getting shot and dying only when Trinity whispers to him (him in real life) the he has to be the one because the Oracle told her that she would be in love with him, and so since she loved him then he as to be “The One” Neo comes back to life and all of a sudden he is in full control of all of his powers. I thought not only was it unnecessary, but totally cliché. I was left feeling that if it hadn’t been for that Neo would have just died. Now I’m totally against slavery but when you have a life that is good and you don’t know that you in some kind of computer program why leave that? The only way I can see leaving a situation like that is if you knew that in the real world you would have to struggle and fight just has hard then there would be no point. I felt them wanting to free people from that life just to live in a world that has really no type of resource is just selfish on their part. I say just leave me plugged in until there is a world I would want to leave in it’s not like I’m going to know the difference.

Blog 5 (What was the point)

English 101: Blog Series (600 points)
Encounters (200 points)
Final research project (200 points)
All assignments are due on the due dates. Late assignments will drop 10% each day it is late.

American film: 04/06 first test (35 points)
04/15 second written assignment (25 points)
04/27 second test (25 points)
05/25 third test (35 points)
05/27 Oral film analysis (25 points)
All assignments are due on the due dates, no late papers or make-ups will be accepted. No make-up exams will be given.

I don’t remember a syllabus for my Mass Media & Society class. If I’m wrong please tell me so.

The only thing I can really think of that would be a problem for me and getting my assignments done is time. I have very little to do anything. Sunday thru Monday, if I’m not in school then I’m working. I’m at school from nine to two; I have to be at work by five. I get off at one am and wake up at six thirty to do it all over again. The only day I have off from work and school is Saturday, but by then I’m so tired it’s hard for me to get up any energy to do my laundry let alone read books and write/type papers, but I will do it, it won’t be great work but it will be passing (hopefully), and that’s really all I care about.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blog 4 (Truman Syndrome?)

I do not feel that the Truman Syndrome is a real condition in the way it has been described in my readings (,, and Of course that might be because to the best of my knowledge I have never met a person who thinks in that way, but I feel that you do have people who think that all eyes are on them for a number of different reasons.

1. Could be that they are just looking for attention because their a bit insecure, so they my themselves look a certain way by wearing certain style or brand of clothing, do something that is really –out –there with their hair, or just carrier themselves in a certain way…. For example I work at Barnes & Noble, and we have a woman who comes in who is already tall, has bleach blonde hair, wears big dark shades(at night) and the way she walks around you would think she is some type of German super model and she is always being difficult on purpose because she waits until there is a line and then she will complain about one of the bills we gave her is to ugly and wants another one she stands there with a big small on her face looking at other customers stare at her and talking about her. There have been times where she had to be escorted out because her behavior got to erratic.

2. A person who is extremely paranoid and mentally unstable and thinks that people are watching them just because they make eye contact or a person happens to look at them while they are talking to someone else, or on their phone.

3. Another reason the one that I’m come across the most, would be a person who suffers from drug abuse. They commonly think that everyone is watching, and talking about them (nine time out of ten people are).

In all there are legit mental conditions that cause people to think that they are being watched, but when it comes down to the Truman Syndrome it’s all about attention.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blog 3 (Reality Bites)

I don’t feel that there are really any similarities between the Truman show, The Bachelor, Survivor, the real World, and other “Reality shows”. Truman was born only for the purpose of the show. He had no choice; he didn’t even know that he was being filmed for over thirty years, and because of that it is very possible that majority of his rights, especially his right to his on privacy was extremely violated. Truman was just an average Joe man, but the people around him were actors. With shows like The Bachelor, Survivor, and the Real World, almost all the cast from those shows, are looking for their fifteen minutes of fame, whether it’s to be a Singer, actress, model, or just to be on camera. They signed off on everything and they are fully aware of the cameras, the production crew, and the consequences of their action. From what I’ve seen some people are actually comfortable with what they let millions of people see no matter how embarrassing their action may be. Although the Truman show was in some weird way tastefully done I still feel that the public who watched the Truman show where just as wrong for watching Truman than the producers for making it, because they knew that Truman had no idea that he was being filmed. It may have been fun and exciting to watch, but I’m pretty sure that they would be singing a different tune if it was them being filmed and they were completely unaware. As far as “reality shows in are world being similar to that of the fictional Truman show are shows that pull pranks on unsuspecting people like… Candid Camera, Punk'd, Girls Behaving Badly, Just For Laughs Gags, The Jamie Kennedy Experiment, Boiling Points, Trigger Happy TV, and Howie Do It. The people on those shows may not be aware that they are being filmed, but by the end of the prank they find out that not only are there cameras everywhere, and the people are actors, they also have to sign off on them being filmed, which means that if they don’t sign the release form then the company cannot show that segment in any public form, if the studio shows it without that persons permission then the studio can, and most likely will be sued. Another show that is slightly close to the Truman show (only because of the time it’s been on the air) would be the “Real World”. The Real World started in 1992 on MTV, about seven strangers picked to live in a house (that does not belong to any of them) that is the basic plot of the show and is not only in its twenty second season it’s already scheduled for another four years, and is the longest running Reality show in TV history. That fact that people had no problem watching The Truman show knowing that he did not know he was being filmed, and that we in today’s world love to watch the Reality Shows that will have the most negative drama, where are we going as a society?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blog 2 (Your Reality)

:Reality Bites:
I feel that what Socrates was saying is that your reality is what you make of it. For example I’m sure that everyone has heard or has even said themselves that “rich people don’t live in the real world because they don’t know what goes on out in the streets”. My thing is if your rich and you like your life and the surrounds that you have, and the people that you associate with then you are living in the “real world” as you see it. Same goes for people who live in the streets, or who are on welfare and or dealing with baby daddy number three. That’s your world, that’s your life how you seem fit. Now if you live in a life of luxury, and you know that it’s not meant for you and you don’t change it then you are living in the life of reality , but it’s not your reality. If you live in a life of poverty and you know you can do better, you feel you should be doing something better then you too are living in a reality that is not yours. If your not going to step up to the plate and say your are not meant to be here in this life style may it be good or bad then you are right where you deserve to be which is nowhere.

Now I’ll be honest I have never read the whole book in any of it’s titles, or never really heard about it, honestly I don’t intend to read it or really care about it in any shape of form so I could be really wrong in my take on what Socrates meant, but judging from the synopsis I was giving it sounded as though they never really tried to break free. It sounded like they settled or gave up before the even began. Do they deserve to be set free…absolutely not because they just excepted what was giving to them, they where comfortable not know what else is there to life. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but you can’t get upset because your not able to be involved of the things and opportunities of others if your not willing to at the very least ask for help. You can’t expect people to help you if your not willing to help yourself.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Blog 1

Are we cyborgs?

AS of 2000, I feel that at least ninety three percent of the world’s populations are cyborg’s.
This assumption as to do with the way I feel that technology is forcefully taken over the world. Not just by the usage of credit cards, but with the fact that if I call any type of company I’m going to spend at least ten minutes on the phone with an automated voice before I get to an actual human being. Going to the supermarket, or even the pharmacy there are the self checkout stations. The two most important items in the world that makes us cyborgs would be the ever growing internet and cell phone craze. I don’t think a person could rest without checking up on there myspace, facebook, or twitter account, and how many time have we all been late to work, school or something rather important all because we had to find or go back to get are cell phone. Don’t get me wrong I’m very grateful and so happy that these things are in existence, but because of them (internet and cell phones) we have gotten so lazy as a society. Instead of doing real research and taking time to look up information to find out more about a topic for school, I can just google it. You can go to sites like and look up all kinds of fights and many other forms irresponsible behavior. For me the cell phone is the worst. It has such power or people that people forget all about their own safety. I’ve seen so many people trip, run into something, or almost get hit by a car all because there were either talking on the phone, texting on the phone, or looking for the phone. Because of the cell phone people lose their manners. It’s more important to have a conversation on your cell phone than to pay attention to a person who is ringing you up taking your money, or your credit card information at the checkout counter, it’s more important for people to be texting or checking up on their facebook status than to be paying attention in class or at work. Because of cell phones people can’t really remember any phone numbers, and because of cell phones “parents” (I use that term very loosely) haven’t got a clue about what is going on with their own children in and or out of school. Before cell phones to over everyone’s life if you wanted to give your child a message you had to call the school and you spoke with an administrator and that we be the perfect time for you do get caught up on if your child was doing good or bad. Now they just called the child directly during school, and the child actually picks up the cell phone while in class with no thought of how inappropriate they are being.